Seen & Heard: A New Building Called Tribeca West

franklin street subway entrance••• This subway entrance has to open this week. Right?

••• The “for rent” sign in the window of the old Flor de Sol space on Greenwich has come down, and the windows are papered. In my experience, the presence of “for rent” doesn’t mean the space hasn’t been rented, but the removal of them generally means it has. Know anything? I’m at

••• Jem Fabric Warehouse is having a closing sale.

••• The TriBattery Pops will be playing in the window of 74 Warren (Church Street School) this week, Monday through Friday, 7-8 p.m.

••• And now, a tip! Adam can never remember where he bought wine—or how much it cost—which is frustrating, because how can you know when you’ve discovered a fantastic value? I went to K&M Camera and picked up a white grease pencil, so now he can write the price and source on the bottle.

••• D. sent in this photo of an ad for Tribeca West—a 14-unit condo in Hoboken that I’ll be thinking of as Tribeca Not—from the Hoboken PATH station. (No, I didn’t ask what he was doing there. It didn’t seem polite.)

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