Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 6)

I intended to run this instead of Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 7) last week. The order would be meaningless if this post didn’t have an introduction.

I’m not much of an Instagram user, but when someone posts a pretty photo—and tweets it, and that tweet includes the word “Tribeca”—I captured it for my “Instagram Tribeca” Pinterest page. Instagram, if you’re not familiar with it, is a smart-phone app that lets you manipulate photos in myriad ways—juice up the color, add the patina of age, focus selectively, and more—and share them. Since the first sentence’s use of “Instagram,” “tweet,” and “Pinterest” can be unnerving, I expect some of you will never venture over to that Pinterest page, which is a shame, because Instagram photos can be really lovely. (There’s also a “Where in Tribeca…?” page.) So here are 13 of my favorites. Drift over the photo to see the user’s name. If you took one of them and you don’t want it to run here, please just say so and I’ll remove it.

Note: I’ll probably stop the Instagram Tribeca page on Pinterest, because Instagram no longer lets you pin images to Pinterest. (If I’m missing some workaround, let me know.)

Previously in this series:
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 1); includes explanation
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 2)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 3)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 4)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 5)
••• Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 7)

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