100 Franklin: Back to the Drawing Board

Curbed attended the Landmarks Preservation Commission meeting about 100 Franklin, the glassy new building proposed for Sixth Ave., between Franklin and White (where two triangular parking lots are): “For the most part, the Commission came down on the side of the neighbors, remarking that the design, which features a facade of recovered brick layered over by a glass screen as well as a mansard roof with a large bulkhead, was too ‘attention-calling’ at the top and that, overall, it ‘ust seems muddled and trying to do a lot of things.’ Multiple commissioners thought that the brick starting at the second floor gave the impression that the building was floating in midair. However, they were not opposed, in principle, to the use of glass in the Tribeca East Historic District, and did think that elements of the design could be saved going forward.” The developer, DDG, will revise the plans and try again. Click here to read Curbed’s report, including testimony fromĀ  the neighbors.

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