Another Broadway Conversion (Possibly Two)

Broadway’s residential boom—between Canal and Worth, in particular—continues.

I hear that 381-383 Broadway (above) is slated to be converted; that’s at the northwest corner of White, with slice joint Joey’s Pepperoni among the ground-floor tenants… for now. I couldn’t track down the owner to ask.

What’s more, I also heard that the wonderful building next door to the north, 385-389 Broadway (below), is being converted—and the conversion is why K&M Camera is moving to 368 Broadway, next to Gourmet Garage’s upcoming store. (That’s 368 pictured at left.) You may recall that I figured as much from the sign for a short-term lease. Demo is already underway on the upstairs floors of 385-389.

But when I contacted the building’s owner, he said they hadn’t decided yet whether to go residential or commercial, and if they do go residential, it’ll be rentals. He also said they’re trying hard to get a Soho-style tenant for the storefront (vs., in my words, another store selling sneakers and $10 dresses).

385-389 Broadway

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  1. So with all of these conversions, new constructions, and no new schools, we are now in a critical phase of our community. Each time a new building goes up more families move in, and ourschools are extremely oner crowded with little relief in sight. Build Schools Now.

  2. Yeah! More school and services, and no more cheap dress stores!