A New Spa on N. Moore?

There’s work going on at the two-floor storefront at 39 N. Moore—the former home of Cristina Dos Santos’s shop—and a reader, A., emailed wondering about the plans for the space. I asked anyone I thought might know, and someone not directly involved said that it’s going to be spa.

But one of the people I had asked, an owner of Savor Spa, which we know has been looking for locations in the area. Just a couple weeks ago, she and I had a conversation about potential spaces, and I actually suggested 39 N. Moore. She told me today that it’s still under consideration, casting substantial doubt on the first paragraph.

Normally, at this point, I’d wait it out. But A. also said this: “I heard Jennifer Lopez was seen scoping it out last Monday.” (Weird echoes of when Lindsay Lohan was seen checking out the space back when it almost became a Mexican restaurant….) Could Lopez be involved in a day spa? She doesn’t lack expertise: She has a personal spa at her home. I asked the folks at Racked if they had heard of her branching out in this way, but they hadn’t. It’s entirely possible that someone simply saw a J. Lo apparition.

I’m posting it because that’s often the best way to smoke out info. Do you know anything? I’m at tribecacitizen@gmail.com or 917-209-6473 and all tips are anonymous.

As a bonus, here’s a teaser for her new album. She should’ve called it B-Side, given how much attention is paid to her “booty.”

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1 Comment

  1. as far as i know, the space will be the first ‘Nexxus’ hair salon.