Seen & Heard: Grand Banks Pop-Up Shop Opens Today

••• Mate Gallery‘s vintage maritime shop opens in the Grand Banks pilot house today.

Mate Gallery Grand Banks t-shirt••• Greenwich Street Tavern’s new co-owner appears to be Robert Sayegh. I had heard the place wasn’t changing much, but its website now says “Exciting things are coming soon”….

••• M.M. De Voe tweeted that Janovic Plaza is opening on Thompson “three blocks north of Canal.” Wouldn’t that put it near the one on Sixth? Or is that one gone?

Janovic Plaza••• The K+S Soccer Film Festival is June 23-26 at Tribeca Cinemas.

••• Opening June 11 at Cheryl Hazan: Kazumi Yoshida’s “Blue Planet.” His N. Moore loft got peeped back in 2011.

Blue Planet Triptych ABC by Kazumi Yoshida

