Twitter? I Hardly Know Her!

Sorry for that headline, but if I had gone with “Follow Tribeca Citizen on Twitter” I doubt that you would have read this far.

Why invite me into your timeline? I mainly use Twitter to announce new posts on the website, but—as you can see below—I also tweet breaking news, chastise people who misrepresent Tribeca, pretend I’m part of the mainstream media conversation, grandstand a bit, complain about companies that let me down (Twitter’s raison d’être?), retweet noteworthy photos, ask advice on behalf of myself and others, answer questions, mention an occasional sale, and share random thoughts and observations in the eternal hope that I’m not the only one who feels that way. I’m mouthier, so bear that in mind.

And if you’re not on Twitter, I really do recommend signing up. When something drastic happens—such as Hurricane Sandy or the crane collapse—it’s the easiest way for people, including the media, to post and share news. No one is asking you to follow Kanye West or Donald Trump or whoever exhausts you; just create a free account and load the app onto your phone for when you need it.

tweet Brandon Santander tweet CB1 tweet cheese sale tweet Citi salt tweet David Wichs tweet David Wichs2 tweet David Wichs3 tweet fewer tweet JCrew tweet nondescript my ass tweet Notify NYC tweet NYT tweet opening credits tweet pharmacies tweet skater tweet Super Bowl pizza tweet TC the right 10 booksP.S. Kings Pharmacy’s pharmacy is open on Sundays, as I was quickly reminded.


1 Comment

  1. Fine line between news and stalking. I think in the Wichs funeral situation you are absolutely correct.
    Enough to deal with already… No need to have to cope with cameras as well.

