Seen & Heard: Fika Has Reopened

••• I had dinner at Little Park the other night, and the folks there recognized my name on the reservation—which never happens—and they sent out the beet appetizer pictured below. (“Heirloom beet, ancho chili, avocado, beet chicharron.”) Not mentioning it because it was free but because it was so delicious. I tend to avoid beets because they make every dish taste like beets, but the ancho chili didn’t allow the beets to dominate. (Photo by Noah Fecks.)

••• Rohin says that Fika, which was closed for renovation, “is now open and looking better than ever!” This is especially notable because the company filed for Chapter 11 in September.

••• Nice to see Robert Janz is having his way with the derelict phone booths.

••• The newly restored facade of the New York Academy of Art’s building at 111 Franklin will be unveiled next Thursday. (The redesigned storefront windows were revealed in September.) I don’t know whether that includes the western wall. Renderings of the entire project are below.

••• Opening November 24: “Barney Savage Gallery is pleased to present our Autumn Invitational exhibition, featuring a selection of artworks by contemporary artists who work in a variety of new, as well as traditional media. Each has shown a significant voice that resonates within a visually compelling and relevant approach to contemporary studio practice.” Below: Tim Zercie’s “Justa Pinch a Lil’ Of That Junt’.”



  1. Merci’, the Janzwork is an ad for NonAds Art.

  2. I am not surprised they recognized your name at Little Park. Every time I try a place that you have written about and I have a positive experience; I always tell them that I read about them in the Tribeca Citizen. Happy Thanksgiving.
