Tribeca Staycation

wichcraft-bltVacation all I ever wanted / Vacation got to get away

Nothing illuminates the problem of staycations—vacations without traveling—like those two lines from the Go-Go’s “Vacation”: To get away, you have to, you know, get away. That said, a lot of people are forgoing travel this year, and if you’re among them, we’ve come up with five ways to ensure you make the most of your downtime. (Even if you are going somewhere in the next two weeks, you’re probably still among the huge percentage of Americans who don’t use all of their alloted vacation days—or who end up cashing in a few at the end of the year—so why not take a day or two in September, when the weather is usually at its finest?)

brooklyn-bridge-by-tribeca-citizen1. Get out of your rhythm. One of the wonderful things about travel is that it tends to mess with your routine. First thing in the morning, or as early as you can bear it, set out on a long walk across the Brooklyn Bridge (or under it), to the burgeoning mini-neighborhood north of the Seaport (where you can treat yourself at Jack’s Stir Brew on Front Street), in Hudson River Park, up into Soho (pausing for a cappuccino at La Colombe Torrefaction)—it doesn’t really matter where. Likewise, stay up late: Go for a nightcap at B Flat, the Japanese-style bar on Church; Vino Vino on West Broadway; or Smith & Mills, the impeccably styled bar and restaurant on No. Moore.

2. Indulge yourself. You’re on vacation! Try the delicious brownies at Billy’s Bakery on Franklin, the chocolate-chip cookies at Bouley Bakery, or (and?) the cupcakes at Tribeca Treats. And remember: As mentioned in yesterday’s news roundup, if you book a 50-minute weekday massage at Equinox before Aug. 31, you’ll get an extra 30 minutes for free.

chair-courtesy-espasso3. Explore somewhere new. It might seem like a challenge to find places in the neighborhood that you’ve never been, but think again: Have you ever poked around Espasso, the store on No.Moore that sells exquisite Brazilian furniture (right)? The Fountain Pen Hospital on Warren? The Skyscraper Museum in Battery Park City? Warren 77, hockey player and ex-Vogue intern Sean Avery’s restaurant/bar on Warren? Whether you’re in the market for a fountain pen or a $10,000 credenza is irrelevant; the point is to insert yourself in new surroundings.

4. Achieve something. Many of us get itchy when days go by without our accomplishing anything. So even though this is your vacation, take an hour and cross something off your list—the gym, yoga, dusting your bookshelves, replacing your fire extinguisher, whatever. Then you can enjoy goofing off all the more.

5. Eat well. Unless you’re in the Caribbean, the highlight of almost any serious vacation involves food. Why should a staycation be any different? Besides, the sumptuous BLT (shown at top of post) at Wichcraft on Greenwich will only be around for a few more weeks….


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