October 14, 2009 Community News, Events, Newsletter, Real Estate, Restaurant/Bar News
• First, I’d like to thank everyone involved in last night’s Tribeca Meet & Greet—David Cleaver and the rest of the folks at Tribeca Performing Arts Center for organizing the event; Debi, Barry, and Joanne of Gymboree Play & Music for hosting it; Romel at Grandaisy Bakery for the wonderful pizzas (pictured); Christy at Frankly Wines for the wine; and Rachel at Tribeca Treats for the cupcakes and cookies (those caramel-filled sandwich cookies are something else). If you missed it, stay tuned for info on next month’s!
• The next New Amsterdam Market—to held on Sunday, Oct. 25, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on South Street—”will have a special focus on meat production, sourcing, and butchering.” That means a meat-cutting demo by fourth-generation butcher Josh Applestone of Fleisher’s Grass-Fed and Organic Meats in Kingston, N.Y., and Tom Mylan, who is now working with the Brooklyn Kitchen to open the Meat Hook in Greenpoint. The pair will be cutting an entire side of pig.
• Grub Street has an item about Delivery Week, a Restaurant Week for shut-ins: “From October 19 to 31, over a hundred restaurants will offer three-course meals for $12.09 plus tax during lunch and $20.09 plus tax during dinner, when you order via SeamlessWeb or the Delivery Week website.” Area participants include Baluchi’s, Barbarini Alimentari, Greenwich Street Tavern, Kitchenette, and Mudville 9.
• The Feedbag praises Marco Canora’s new cookbook, Salt to Taste. Canora is one of the owners of Terroir, the East Village wine bar opening an outpost on Harrison, next to the Harrison restaurant.
• Curbed checks in on the Pier 25 construction, dreaming of the day when miniature golf will be on offer.
• Got tips or suggestions? Send ’em to editor@tribecacitizen.com. Thanks!
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