10/16 News: Sarabeth’s!

Eater reports that Community Board 1 approved a liquor license for Sarabeth’s (which is taking over the Bazzini space), Terroir‘s application for a wine bar next to the Harrison, and an upgrade to a full liquor license for Max on Duane Street. The best anecdote was about Max: “One of the board members who actually lives in the building was pretty cranky about the whole thing. Not only does he claim one of the doors that the restaurant leaves open is a security issue, but more importantly, a fan of questionable functionality on the roof keeps him awake at night. The kicker: ‘My doctor told me I need more sleep.'”

courtesy-reade-street-animal-hospital• Dr. Mary Xanthos has opened the Reade Street Animal Hospital at 146 Reade. (That’s Dr. Xanthos pictured with her cat Rascal.)

• This Sunday is the Mayor’s Cup—New York City Kayak Championships, in which kayakers circumnavigate Manhattan, starting and finishing at Battery Park City’s North Cove.

Curbed points out that “the 3,884-square-foot [Ice House Penthouse E at 27 N. Moore]—owned by Martha Stewart’s daughter, Alexis—has hiked its asking price by 4 percent, from $12.4 million to $12.95 million. What you’ll get for your money: a 3BR, 3.5BA duplex penthouse with floor-to-ceiling windows and a 14×34 foot outdoor terrace.”

courtesy-frankly-wines• Christy Frank of Frankly Wines writes in: “After almost two years, I’ve finally managed to get the last piece of store decor installed—the stained glass window. I’m in love with it and will find any excuse to send out the pictures.”

• Last night marked the start of Kiva Cafe‘s poetry nights, held on Thursdays. After the scheduled readers, there’s an open mic. For info see kivacafe.com.

Real Pilates is celebrating Halloween with Pink Pumpkin Pilates: “Take a class before trick-or-treating and proceeds will benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Minimum $40 donation gets you a spot in class.” Reserve at 212-625-0777.

Mail Boxes Etc. on Greenwich (bet. Chambers and Warren) is now open Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Just Scandinavian reminds us that you can now buy its merchandise online at justscandinavian.com.


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