In the News: School Zoning

school-zoning-by-asha-agnish-for-tribeca-citizenI was unable to attend Wednesday’s meeting, which ended without resolution (which I’m assuming you already know if you care). Photographer Asha Agnish was there for much of the meeting, and she took these photos. “The contingent in support of 3R wore black and brought balloons while the contingent in support of 2 wore red,” she wrote in an email. “The 3R contingent was asked to removed their balloons before the start of the meeting—someone checked the bylaws and found that signage is not allowed at the meetings. It’s understandable that people are upset about the zoning issue, but I find it disturbing that there is such a palpable and visible divide between neighborhood residents.” Agreed.

school-zoning-2-by-asha-agnish-for-tribeca-citizenHere’s the local news coverage of the meeting:
••• “Late Night School Meeting Ends in No Decision” (Downtown Express)
••• “Panel Vote Fails to Settle Zoning Question for Downtown Schools” (Tribeca Trib)
••• “Contentious School Zoning Meeting Yields Stalemate” (Broadsheet Daily)


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