Roundup: High Dive

••• The Tribeca Meet & Greet scheduled for tonight has been pushed to tomorrow night (Thursday). Still the same: time (6:30–9 p.m.) and place (Body & Mind Builders). Everyone is welcome!
••• “The newly-formed NYC activist group Queer Rising is planning an action outside the New York City Marriage Bureau office on Friday morning from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.” Gee, why would they be upset? (Towleroad)

courtesy-liberty-luxe-and-greenREAL ESTATE
••• The New York Observer profiled Jason Pizer, “the Trinity Real Estate executive who has been credited as a driver behind Hudson Square’s emergence as a vista for the creative class.” (Vista? Huh?)
••• Curbed gets its mitts on renderings of Battery Park City’s under-construction Liberty Luxe and Liberty Green buildings. Rooftop pool!
••• The buildings that house Walker’s have been sold; the restaurant’s lease runs till 2019. (Manhattan Real Estate)


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