Farm-Fresh Food

Passing on a press release from 92YTribeca….

courtesy-downtown-csaThe Tribeca neighborhood and surrounding communities have an exciting opportunity to join the Downtown CSA in partnership with Katchkie Farm, an organic farm located in Kinderhook, Columbia County, NY.

A Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program is a great way for people to support local farms while buying organic vegetables. Each shareholder pays a subscription fee to buy a share of the harvest. The fee goes toward the operating costs of the farm. In return, the farm supplies each subscriber with a weekly box of produce.

Full shares: A full share is picked up every week and provides 10 to 17 pounds of organic vegetables per week: enough to feed two adults and two children. The organic produce you receive will vary each week depending on what is available throughout the season and will include anywhere from seven to twelve different vegetables. A typical week might include: salad greens, kale, summer squash, eggplant, tomatoes, onions and carrots.

Half Shares: A half share is a full share of produce picked up every other week. In order to keep things consistent for the farm, half share members unable to pick up their produce on their appointed week will not be able to switch to the alternate week. Members are free to make arrangements amongst themselves to switch pick-up weeks, but the CSA Core Team must be notified if you have arranged to swap pick up weeks with another half share member.

Fruit Shares: Members may choose to add on a fruit share from Samascott Orchards in Columbia County (note: orchards are low-spray, but not organic). Each fruit share includes 2-4 lbs of fruit and will depend on availability throughout the season, ranging from berries and plums to peaches and apples. Fruit shares are an optional purchase and only available as an addition to the vegetable share. Fruit shares are not available as half shares and must be picked up every week.

Members are required to:
• Pay for a full season. The farm can’t accommodate month to month subscriptions.
• Pick up shares. If you are away or can’t pick up your share, you may arrange to have someone else pick it up- just have that person give your name when he/she arrives. Any produce remaining after pick up will be donated to the NYC Rescue Mission.
• Volunteer to manage pick up during one 2 hour and 15 minute shift sometime throughout the season. If a member misses his/her scheduled volunteer shift without arranging for a replacement volunteer, that member will forfeit the share on the day of the missed shift and on the following distribution day. Those two forfeited shares will be donated to the NYC Rescue Mission.
• Understand that joining a CSA involves a certain amount of risk. Much like purchasing shares of stock in a company, member benefits are dependent upon the success of the farm.  If crops are affected by certain uncontrollable conditions, like bad weather or the tomato blight that coursed through area farms last season, shares may see a drop in the usual amount or variety of produce. No refunds will be issued in the event of a bad season. Likewise, members may also reap the benefits of a particularly good growing season or bumper crop of produce.

Members are encouraged to:
Join our Downtown CSA Wiki online community (currently under construction), which we hope will become a forum for sharing recipes and food storage techniques, communicating with other members about switching volunteer shifts or pick-up weeks and discussing the food, the farm and topics of interest to the community in general. Information about what will be included in the upcoming week’s share will also be posted a day or two in advance of pick up on the group page.

Where and when do I pick up my shares?
• Pick up will be every Wednesday between 4-7pm at 92YTribeca, 200 Hudson Street.
• The season runs Jun 2 to Oct 20, 2010.
• Fruit shares will begin June 23.

What does it cost?
• Full vegetable share: $550
• Half vegetable share: $287.50
• Optional fruit share: $130

Each vegetable share includes a $25 administration fee to help defray the costs of running the CSA. This involves staff to assist with setup and breakdown each week, use of the box office system and customer service staff, website and web development staff, marketing and publicity, purchase of necessary supplies and a social gathering at the beginning of the season for all members.

By paying for a share, you agree that you have read the information above and understand the requirements and responsibilities of CSA Members.

Choose and Buy Your CSA Share

Still have questions? Send an email to


This partnership has been facilitated by Just Food, a nonprofit organization that supports the development of CSAs in order to help New Yorkers connect with local farms and the high quality, locally-grown, affordable produce they provide. Just Food offers training, farmer matching, technical assistance, tools and resources to help CSAs start right and thrive.


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