In the News: FiDi Crane Accident

••• “Residents near a Financial District building [80 Maiden Lane] that was hit by a crane returned to their homes Sunday, the day after the accident showered debris on the ground and forced them out. Mechanics and engineers lowered and dismantled the crane, which had hit a 25-story building near Wall Street on Saturday evening. Inspectors were on the scene to determine what caused the crane to tilt and smack the lower Manhattan building, Department of Buildings spokesman Tony Sclafani said. The crane had been brought to the area on Saturday to lift mechanical equipment to the roof of the building, Sclafani said. A representative of the company that owns the crane, Bay Crane, declined to comment when contacted by The Associated Press. No injuries were reported Saturday after the crane hit a ledge near the top of the mixed-use building on Maiden Lane, three blocks from Wall Street, the Fire Department of New York said. Part of the building’s facade broke off and fell into the street, police Lt. John Grimpel said.” (New York Times) Plus: The Tribeca Trib has a photo.

courtesy-tribeca-film-festival1••• More on the brouhaha over the Tribeca Film Festival‘s inclusion of Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives. (The New York Times)

••• “The elusive Tribeca coyote, who was captured by an army of NYPD officers Thursday, will be set free in the wild at an undisclosed location.” (DNAinfo)

••• The New York Times visits the new Battery Park City Library. I kind of wish the photo at left was from this story.

••• The U.K.’s Indepedent reviews the Smyth hotel: “if you’re planning on staying at Smyth, be sure to do your homework, because it may be ultra-chic, but it’s also pretty tricky to find. It took me and my taxi driver several trips along West Broadway before we spotted the lone chiselled brick bearing Smyth’s name outside the building, which looks almost identical to the neighbouring glass-fronted apartment blocks.”


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