Seen & Heard: Sweet Deal

••• Today’s Living Social deal is $15 for $30 worth of baked goods at Little Pie Co. You have to use it all at once and by Nov. 3. And you have until tomorrow morning to grab it.

tribeca-treats-by-tribeca-citizen••• Speaking of baked goodness: I took a photo of Tribeca Treats‘ cookie of the month, the whoopie pie, without succumbing to the temptation to buy one. But ask me again in two weeks….

••• The DDC presentation on the Chambers Street construction that I wrote about here has been rescheduled for May 13, still at 3 p.m. It’s in the LMCCC offices at One Liberty Plaza, 20th floor. Bring ID—and a few whoopie pies, if you know what’s good for you.


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