In the News: Pros and Cons

By Ed Ou for the New York Times

••• Yesterday brought protests for and against Park51. (New York Times)

••• Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio continues to use Park51 to get attention: “Last week, Mr. Lazio released a Web advertisement critical of the mosque featuring rescue workers on Sept. 11 and a television commercial in which he appears before photos of a still-smoldering World Trade Center, questioning where the money for the planned Muslim center will come from.” (New York Times)

••• New York magazine hangs out in Tribeca with actor Josh Brolin: “He’s currently weighing his living options: Greenpoint, where his sister lives, or Tribeca, home to his hedge-fund friends.”

••• A peek inside a Tribeca penthouse designed by MR Architecture + Decor. It’d do. (The North Elevation)


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