In the News: Chickpea

••• In a look at the city’s beach-volleyball courts, the New York Times notes that Pier 25 will have three when it opens.

••• “Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended the mosque near Ground Zero during a Thursday visit to ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,’ saying the controversy over its construction is just political grandstanding.” (DNAinfo)

••• A profile of Park51 developer Sharif el-Gamal. (New York Times)

Courtesy Chickpea

••• “The Seattle Coffee Roasters on John Street in FiDi has closed. It’s becoming another branch of hummus chain Chickpea.” (Eater)

••• “The south arcade of New York City’s Municipal Building at 1 Centre St. has one of the handsomest ceilings in New York City. It’s made of Gustavino tiles, named for the Spanish architect, Rafael Gustavino, who emigrated to New York City from Barcelona in 1881 accompanied by his nine-year-old son..” (Broadsheet Daily)


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