Seven Things I’ll Miss About NYC

I’m not leaving—yet—but when I do, I don’t think I’ll be pining for the theater or the museums (seeing as how I never go to either). Instead, there are certain things—even if they also exist elsewhere—that strike me as quintessentially New York City.

These vents are like a badge of toughness: "Yeah, our streets are so hot we have to vent them or the manholes will explode."

My going-away party is so going to have a rat.

Is it a municipal ordinance that construction-site walls must be what I think of as "New York blue"?

You don't have to be six years old to think this is cool—but it helps. (This was probably because someone couldn't get his flat-screen up the stairs.)

I don't know when it happened, but at some point I started thinking of standpipes as otherworldly creatures who live underground and use periscoping necks to keep an eye on us. No, I'm not high.

New York City has the best graffiti. (P.S. Someone tags "Earl Gray"?!)


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