Barry White has been reincarnated.

Pier 25 makes for a novel view of Battery Park City.

It also forces a comparison between Frank Gehry’s 8 Spruce Street (as we’re now supposed to call Beekman Tower) and the Woolworth Building. I hadn’t understood why people compared them before, because I never see them together like this. It makes me feel even more strongly that 8 Spruce should have tapered at the top, even just a bit. Your eye is drawn upward, only to have the building end abruptly.

An artist is apparently trapped inside the old MaryAnn’s space.

The new MaryAnn’s, meanwhile, has forgotten how to spell its name. Too many $6 margies?

If you haven’t checked it out lately, One World Trade is rising quickly. This is the view from the south.

Closer up, you can see the building’s distinctive shape more clearly.

If only littering were taken this seriously everywhere.