Look, It’s One World Trade!

Bruce Martin at Reade Street Animal Hospital—love them—suggested that I take photos from all over showing how One World Trade Center, formerly and still sorta known as the Freedom Tower, has begun appearing on the Tribeca skyline (and it’s only halfway to its final height). My first thought was, Yeah, maybe in April. But I do love the idea, because one of the strangest sensations after 9/11 was realizing how many places you were used to seeing the Twin Towers, and now, how odd it is to have 1WTC popping up in unexpected places. So let’s crowdsource it: Please email to tribecacitizen@gmail.com current photos of One World Trade, from wherever you happen to spot it—your apartment, office, the street, wherever (and not just from north of the World Trade Center site). Include where you shot the photo and whether you want your name mentioned. The one above, as I’m sure you can tell, was taken at Greenwich and Reade.


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