Seen & Heard: Composting

••• Atomic Wings on Broadway has been closed by the Department of Health. Gigino, by the way, has reopened.

••• Terroir Tribeca is no longer serving brunch after this weekend (“for the foreseeable future”). Weekday lunch is still a go.

••• Added to City Winery’s schedule: the Blind Boys of Alabama (May 10); Natalie Cole (June 6); and Marc Cohn (July 14, 21).

••• Il Matto has introduced a happy hour deal on Thursdays: 50% off drinks from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

••• At the Tribeca Greenmarket (on Greenwich) yesterday, I chatted with Samantha, the young woman manning working the composting booth. I’m guessing a lot of you are like my partner in that you give yourselves a pass on composting because you don’t have a backyard. Samantha explained that that doesn’t have to be an issue: Just put your compostables in a plastic container (like the one pictured) and refrigerate or freeze them (the more in your freezer, the less hard your freezer has to work). Then you bring it to the booth and dump it out. “Do you wash the containers, too?” I asked jokingly. Samantha doesn’t seem like someone who jokes about composting, though. “If you line the container with newspaper,” she said, “then you can just dump it all in and it’ll be fresh as a daisy.” Last week, Grow NYC estimates that it collected 330 pounds worth of compostable material at the Tribeca Greenmarket alone. For more info, download a brochure here.

••• Remember how a resident of 50 Franklin wondered why her building—which is between Broadway and Lafayette—was “demoted” on StreetEasy from Tribeca to Chinatown? I forwarded her question to StreetEasy, and a rep named Matt responded (he also addresses a Twitter conversation I had with a broker in which I suggested StreetEasy offer users the option of searching a neighborhood plus, say, three blocks). Take it away, Matt!

“Unlike some neighborhoods, the boundaries of Tribeca are well established. [Not 100% sure I agree with that, but let’s move on.] People selling real estate or developing buildings understandably want to have their listings in the more expensive neighborhood. [And how!] If it were left to them, there would be no listings in Chinatown, they would all be in adjacent neighborhoods. [Agreed!]
You may prefer a more broad interpretation, and that’s totally fair. [This was never about me. I’m just the messenger.] We have to produce reports and statistics and other geo-based facts, so we have to be more literal. We also can’t mix neighborhoods as you suggested. We’re also looking out for the consumer. Many of them don’t know a neighborhood as well as you do. [Too true.]
There are a couple of things which may help though.
1. You can include adjacent neighborhoods in your search today. We don’t know why you are hating on Chinatown ;-) Three of us at Streeteasy live in Tribeca and we’re big fans of Chinatown. It’s not a demotion! [Oh, honey. First of all, you acknowledged as much above. Second, I can pretty much guarantee that 99.8% of Tribecans would consider Chinatown a definite demotion. I think it may be a stage-of-life issue.]
2. Soon you will be able to draw your own search areas in StreetEasy. [Awesome. Smart move, StreetEasy!]
Finally, we are open to further discussion about pretty much everything, including neighborhood boundaries. We’ve certainly made changes in the past when new information has convinced us. [All I’m going to say is that those blocks between Broadway and Lafayette—and Canal and Worth—are a bit of a no man’s land. One could argue they’re not Tribeca, but they’re absolutely not Chinatown. As for the reader who emailed me, take a look below at the photo she followed up with. It’s of a street sign at Franklin and Cortlandt Alley, which is east of Broadway. Tribeca East, anyone?] We are trying to be as accurate as possible. That’s not easy in real estate. Oh, and yes, we do get back to everyone who writes us ;-) [So do I, but we walk alone….]

UPDATE 3/29: Reader Annouchka emailed this in: “I just wanted to send you this file regarding the 50 Franklin post and the Tribeca boundaries. We purchased an apartment in 50 Franklin and our lawyer gave us this map of Tribeca East from the Landmark Preservation Commission of New York City… maybe you could send it to StreetEasy so they could update their listing or review their neighborhood grid! Also we like to call this part of NYC Chibecaho (Chinatown/Tribeca/Soho)…maybe it will catch on!”


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