Wanted: Summer Intern

Interns at Tribeca Citizen won't even know why this is funny.

If you or someone you know wants to get into the media business—or be a writer of any kind—you should consider interning at Tribeca Citizen this summer. Why?

1. No grunt work. I don’t even have files!

2. Tons of writing. Very few internships can promise that. And no matter what you end up doing career-wise, the odds are good that being an excellent writer will help.

3. Tons of being edited. That may not sound like fun, but it’s the best way—along with doing tons of writing—to become a better writer. I can help you learn how to approach, report, shape, and sell a story, no matter what it’s about.

4. Tons of photography, if that’s an interest. For that matter, there are a million hundred ways to participate, and I’m open to all sorts of things (ad sales, video, whatever).

5. No depressing office. We’ll meet at cafés and restaurants around the neighborhood—and, yes, I’m buying.

6. I write an awesome letter of recommendation, which I like to think makes up for the lack of compensation. Interested? Have questions? Email tribecacitizen@gmail.com and let’s see if we can figure something out.



  1. Does the intern get to walk Howard?

  2. Only if he/she wants to!

  3. age/education requirement?