In the News: 77 Reade

••• The Real Deal‘s architecture critic calls 77 Reade—which goes through to Chambers—”the best building on the block.” It is indeed a nice-looking building. If he only means the south side of Reade, then maybe that’s arguable—I’d have to go look, and it’s raining. (I know there are nicer ones on the north side.) On that block of Chambers, meanwhile, it can hardly compare with 277 Broadway, a.k.a. Cass Gilbert’s Broadway Chambers building.

••• Emma Bloomberg, daughter of Mike, “and her husband, Christopher Frissora, are planning to redo their Tribeca place.” (New York Times)

••• The New York Times looks at preschool programs, including Kumon in BPC.

••• “Fair sailing lies ahead for the troubled South Street Seaport Museum under a deal that will force execs to walk the plank but save downtown’s tall ships, sources told The Post. The museum has been ordered by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to scuttle plans to send its working ships out of the city for storage, said the sources. Also, the museum is in talks with representatives of Mayor Bloomberg on a plan to replace its board and oust its president, Mary Pelzer. A real-estate deal involving museum property will bring in several million dollars to repay loans made to the museum by current board members, and put its finances back on course.”


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