Loft Peeping: Anonymous

The April issue of New York Spaces has eight pages on a “sixth-story loft in a developer-renovated Romanesque Revival warehouse building” in Tribeca. The unnamed owners—looking to combine two units into one 4,500-square-foot, six-bedroom home—called on Nancy Nienberg of Wunderground Architecture and Tribeca-based designer Damon Liss (whose online portfolio is lovely, even if it automatically makes your browser go full-screen). I couldn’t find the article online so I bought the issue and scanned away; for some reason, the scans look like they were printed on linen. Sort of a nice effect, actually. Anyway, click to enlarge—and admire how someone in post-production bleached out the view of Independence Plaza. The text is by Marjorie Gage; the photos are by Trevor Tondro; the story was produced by Lisa Lee.


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