Seen & Heard: Pier 25 Restrooms

••• Goodbye porta-potties! I noticed on my run uptown this morning that the restrooms—sorry, “comfort stations”—at Pier 25 (on the north side of the skate park) are open. I planned on checking them out on the way back, but a homeless guy was waiting to use the men’s room, and well, I draw a line.

••• I grew up in southern California, and today’s earthquake may not have been that strong, but I was freaked out, sitting on the seventh floor of my 100-year-old, mainly terracotta apartment building.

••• The new CBS series “Unforgettable” is shooting on Warren this Thursday. From Wikipedia: “The series follows a former New York City police detective named Carrie Wells, who suffers from hyperthymesia, an overrreaction to certain herbs a rare medical condition that gives her the ability to remember everything. She is reluctantly asked by her former boyfriend and one-time partner to join his homicide unit after he asks for help with solving a case. The move allows her to do the one thing she has been trying to remember, that of finding out how her sister was murdered.”

••• The doggie daycare business Spot (which some of us still call the Paw Stop) has been bought by Mitch Marrow. From an email he sent out: “My interest in acquiring the Spot Stores, and the two locations on the Upper West Side, stems from my experience as a life-long dog lover in the City. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, I was drafted to play for the Carolina Panthers in the NFL. Due to injury, I retired and entered the Hedge Fund World,”—sounds like a theme park!—”ascending to partner level in a fairly short time. While living in the city and working long hours, I never felt the level of day care services that existed would be safe or enjoyable for my Saint Bernard and Bull Mastiff. Therefore, I was resigned to only use walking services for my dogs. I would have preferred to have kept my dogs in a clean, social environment during the day, but there were no options which I trusted at that time. That experience helped shape my vision to create the cleanest, safest, and most stress-free environment found anywhere. The purchase of Spot is a giant leap toward achieving that goal.”

••• From Stuzzicheria: “The team behind Stuzzicheria is opening up an Italian food shop called Pane Panelle September 7 in Tribeca [I think from the northern part of the current restaurant] and a wine bar on E 9th St in October!” And this week’s New York magazine says: “Because the namesake specialty of the house at this takeout kiosk is one of the finest sandwiches known to man”—really?!—”plus there are two variations on the theme, and a smart take on the seldom-seen Sicilian street snack vastedde.” That could be because it’s a “sandwich stuffed with boiled spleen, lungs, and other organ meats,” says some other website I ended up at via Google.


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