Seen & Heard: Growler’s Bites & Brews

••• Growler’s Bites & Brews—the Stone Street restaurant for humans and dogs—is reportedly open. There’s a dog “corral.”

••• Nicole Atkins is playing a free show at City Winery tonight.

••• I like the East River Ferry, and I enjoyed taking it to South Williamsburg on Sunday. But when my partner and I went to take it home from the North Williamburg stop, the line for tickets was insanely long. So we walked all the way back to South Williamsburg. When the southbound ferry arrived, however, it dropped off some passengers and left because there was no room—presumably because of the otherwise enjoyable Smorgasburg flea market. We had the choice of waiting for a northbound ferry (ending up at E. 34th St.) or walking 15 minutes to the JMZ station (as I said, it was a weekend, so who knew if the train was even running); we chose the former, and it made for a very long trip home. I point all this out as a public-service announcement: On Sundays, if you want to ferry back downtown from Williamsburg, good luck.

••• I’m working on two Nosy Neighbor questions, and I need help. 1) Do you or does someone you know live in 47 Vestry? That’s the building at the southeast corner of Greenwich. 2) I need help IDing something that’s on a few rooftops around here, and it looks like no cell-phone or satellite-TV antenna I’ve ever seen. Anyone know who might know? Email me at (That’s also where to email if you have a Tribeca-related question.)

••• Zutto is feeling its reboot. The new owner said he’d be improving the food, but making it a “Japanese American pub” implies a whole new restaurant….


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