West side of Varick near Leonard St.! Just north of Square Diner (the block most people woul call W Bradway, but it actually isn the southernmost block of Varick)
Erik, would you write a nosy neighbor about transit trading, or better yet, that phone equipment place on West Broadway between the old Bouley Upstairs and Petite Abeille? Both places have always intrigued me and are part of pre-gentrified Tribeca. Thanks
@N: It’s hard to ask people how they manage to hold on. I reached out to Transit Trading once, to no avail. I’m not more optimistic about the other place. If anyone know anyone at either place, please let me know.
Varick and Leonard?
@Andrea: Afraid not….
West side of Varick near Leonard St.! Just north of Square Diner (the block most people woul call W Bradway, but it actually isn the southernmost block of Varick)
@N: Sorry, that’s not it. This one is even harder than I expected—I hadn’t realized everyone would mistake it for Transit Trading
Erik, would you write a nosy neighbor about transit trading, or better yet, that phone equipment place on West Broadway between the old Bouley Upstairs and Petite Abeille? Both places have always intrigued me and are part of pre-gentrified Tribeca. Thanks
@N: It’s hard to ask people how they manage to hold on. I reached out to Transit Trading once, to no avail. I’m not more optimistic about the other place. If anyone know anyone at either place, please let me know.