Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous Where in Tribeca…? photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca/ (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

UPDATE: Congratulations, Rudi! It is indeed 90 Franklin, a.k.a. Franklin Tower (at the northeast corner of Church). We’ll play again Friday at 8 a.m.



  1. 200 west street?

  2. Western Union Bldg. ?

  3. Sorry, neither of those is correct

  4. PS 89 playground

  5. Verizon building?

  6. 335 Greenwich Street

  7. 90 Franklin?

  8. 272 Church?

  9. Didn’t see this before. Northeast corner, Franklin and Church. Next door to South’s Bar.

  10. Oops, sorry, so excited to recognize it I didn’t stop to notice that it’d been revealed. Wish there was an edit/delete button. Hurt my forehead slapping it.