View Upcoming Hotels in Lower Manhattan in a larger map
The Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center, possibly but not likely at my behest, recently published a list of forthcoming hotels in Lower Manhattan. Looking at it can make you feel like you’re looking at a list of hotels in Philadelphia: Platt Street? Fletcher Street? So I made a Google Map.
••• Blue markers: Hotels currently under construction.
••• Red markers: Hotels that are about to begin construction.
••• Yellow markers: Hotels that are either on hold or that haven’t announced construction plans yet.
••• Green markers: Hotels that have opened in recent years.
Of course, there are many more hotels—left unmapped—that have been around for years. (The accompanying text is mainly from the LMCCC, though I edited it a bit.)
The LMCCC focuses on the economic upside to all these hotels, and it’s hard to argue that empty buildings and vacant lots would be preferable (although some of the new buildings are undeniably cheap-looking). But my question is whether the sense of community suffers as a result.
Note: If you click the “View in a Larger Map” link you’ll see all the hotels listed alongside the map.
Great Map! Not mentioned is 170 Broadway; a 16 story prewar office building that will be converted to a hotel. Other hotels in the works include hotels proposed for the tops of both the Battery Maritime Building and the American Stock Exchange! There is also a rumor that 21-23 Maiden Lane (the building directly behind the hotel rising at 24 John) will also be converted to a hotel.
@Luis: Thanks! I knew there were others…. Will update the map later today
What percentage of these are the “handiwork” of the world’s most destructive architect, and the most prolific in our poor city, Gene Kaufman?
It seems like 80% of what’s going up are awkward, streetwall-killing budget-hotel boxes by this cretin. There’s really nothing more painful for the city than these hotels, which are making Manhattan look like a Third World Cairo ghetto. When will the media take notice?
is the Nolitan on Kenmare already too old to make the list? and aren’t they tearing down buildings on Bowery and Delancey to put a big crap hotel?
@bowery boy: The map is only of hotels below Canal (or we’d also have a bunch to add in Hudson Square)
The Tribeca Blu crew seems nice enough. The GM waited for almost two and a half hours last night – last item on the agenda – only to be asked to come back in a month! Given the rollocking the Balcony posse received for not playing ball, said GM was smart enough to agree to a revisit. And yes, it is a beautiful building.