Asphalt Green Update

asphalt green 1812The Battery Park City Authority posted this on its website today. I boldfaced the part about timing.

The long-anticipated opening of the community center which will be operated by Asphalt Green was dealt a setback in the flooding aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Construction was virtually completed and the necessary permits and certifications were obtained. Following is a summary of major aspects of damage.

Flood waters flowed through the lower level of the community center and into both swimming pools and the pool equipment room. The pools must be drained and disinfected and two pool circulation pumps and motors must be replaced.

Water also covered the wood flooring in the gymnasium and two other exercise rooms. The wood warped making it unusable and the entire floor needs to be replaced and treated. It also covered rubber flooring in the fitness/exercise area, ruining it beyond repair.

About 20 inches of flood water washed up against the eastern lower level wall of the center. Some of that water got into the interior space causing some staining to walls and stairs. Plaster must be repaired, stains removed and a new “skim coat” applied to walls.

Flood water overwhelmed and broke through the overhead door at the ball field maintenance facility. Damaged slats are being replaced by heavier gauge material than originally used. The electrical switchgear room is located in the cellar level of the ball field maintenance facility. This area took on about 30 inches of salty water as a result of one of the hurricane’s surges. Transformers located in the electrical room were submerged in water and require replacement.

The sub-cellar took on 16 inches of water, affecting the boiler/chiller room. Various equipment for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems were either submerged or exposed to water. Material and equipment needed to be drained, cleaned, repaired or replaced. Damaged insulation, wiring and conduit must be replaced. Restoration of hot water heat exchanges to pre-storm condition is necessary. The center’s laundry facility also is in the sub-cellar. Two washing machines and three dryers are being replaced.

Some work is in progress while BPCA awaits delivery of some material and equipment that had to be ordered. At this time, total duration of the remediation work is not known. Once completed, however, various inspections must be scheduled and passed before required permits and certifications can be obtained.



  1. What’s the deal with the exercise equipment on the second floor of 40 Harrison Street facing Greenwich Street. Had heard that Equinox was opening another branch at IPN but cannot find any publicity. The doormen at 40 Harrison won’t or cannot provide any info.

  2. @Jane: First I’ve heard of that rumor. I’ll look into it….

  3. Yet another delay. While I do not plan on joining this facility as my building already has one, I recognize that the recreation center will be a major asset to the community. However, the two years of delays with little or no information have been frustrating to say the least. I do not understand the cloak-and-dagger routine. At first it was “construction delays” and then it was a “contract dispute” between BPCA and Asphalt Green. Then, when that dispute was settled (and no one outside of BPCA or Asphalt Green seems to know what the dispute was over), opening was once again delayed. Now they have the “Hurricane Sandy” excuse. While this last one may be legitimate, one wonders how long this reconstruction project will last. I, for one, have not seen any progress so far on this since November even though Chelsea Piers (which was devastated by the floods) managed to reopen in a matter of weeks. The latest talk about “waiting for materials” and “waiting on permits and inspections” seems like the same old tale from the last few years. It’s time for the powers that be to come clean and tell the residents of our neighborhood EXACTLY what is going on. It is my understanding that Asphalt Green has been taking membership applications for this center since 2011 with a one-year commitment and yet here we are in 2013 and they have nothing to show for it.