Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous “Where in Tribeca…?” photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca/ (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

where in tribeca round thing 61813Update: Congratulations, J Alen! It is indeed the folding sink in the Smith & Mills restroom. We’ll play again next Friday morning.

where in tribeca round thing answer



  1. I know this doesn’t narrow it down much, but Courtlandt Alley?

  2. Smith and Mills?

  3. I don’t know but it looks creepy!

  4. Figure a folding toilet would be really scary… Yuck

  5. 5 Beekman Street

  6. 5 Beekman Street