Where in Tribeca…?

Know where this was shot? Say so in the comments. And remember: You can see previous “Where in Tribeca…?” photos at pinterest.com/tribecacitizen/where-in-tribeca/ (just click on each photo twice to see the answer).

Thanks to John Willenbecher for sending it in!

where in tribeca New by John WillenbecherUpdate: Congratulations, Robert Ripps! It is indeed the New York Academy of Art building on Franklin. We’ll play again next week….

where in tribeca New answer by John Willenbecher



  1. On the side of the New York Academy of Art building, fronting on Franklin, between Church & West Broadway, which you can see behind Con Ed West Broadway substation.

  2. NYAA is having the Fellows Show right now, great art work from some very talented emerging artists!