Seen & Heard: Scalini Fedeli Got Drenched in Black Slime

scalini fedeli1 scalini fedeli2 scalini fedeli3scalini fedeli4Scalini Fedeli••• Exciting times last night at Scalini Fedeli, as per these tweets from Wall Street Journal writer Merissa Marr. I tried calling the restaurant this morning to find out when it will reopen, but the phone must have been slimed, too, for it didn’t work. So I left a message at the New Jersey location. (If you live in the building and know what happened, please do share it: Call or text 917-209-6473 or email UPDATE: See the comments.

••• We knew that the grand old building at 32 Sixth Ave. was opening its storefronts as part of its “retail master plan,” but now the work is happening in earnest. Going to look good!

••• The next Tribeca Meet & Greet, organized by the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, is Jan. 14 at Valley (6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.): “Come with ideas or just come to shake hands—let us know how we can work together as businesses, families or individuals. Frankly Wines will kindly provide some beverages and MaxDelivery will bring some nibblybits.”

••• Mystique Boutique on Broadway appears to be closing.

Mystique Boutique storefront

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  1. Who you gonna call?!

  2. Is it contagious? George’s on Washington Street is closed after a pipe burst last night and flooded everything. They hope to reopen in 5 days.

  3. A pipe burst in Scalini’s, which set off the sprinkler system. Not sure what the black slime would be. Perhaps reside from old pipes.

  4. @Archie: well their HQ is only a few blocks away, I bet they responded quickly!

  5. On Saturday night, a pipe in the bank at Chambers and West Broadway burst too. There was water streaming down the windows, and the sprinklers may have gone off as the windows were all steamed up. I saw the fire department arrive around 7:30.