May 2, 2014 Community News, Construction, Real Estate, Restaurant/Bar News, Shopping
••• Sweet Green dropped the plywood. Looks nice, if not so different from Il Mattone (which is just fine, because that’s a very pretty storefront!).
••• Mark your calendars: Joy Gryson and I are welcoming in spring with a party on Thursday, May 8, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.—and attendees get a
20% Mother’s Day discount. More details to come, but last time we did it, we had a ball, so do plan on stopping by. UPDATE: The discount is now 25%! And any purchase of $300 or more gets a free Beach Street travel bag.
••• Añejo, the Mexican restaurant opening where Bread Tribeca was, put up signage saying it’s debuting this summer.
••• This may have happened a while ago, but I just noticed it: Kaffe 1668 opened a location not on Greenwich! And not in Tribeca! It’s on Fifth Ave. between 44th and 45th.
••• Cyclist mob alert: The Five Boro Bike Tour is Sunday.
••• I had hoped to dig into this more before posting about it, but I’m afraid I won’t get to it till this weekend. Two readers emailed to point out that construction fencing was going up along the West/Desbrosses/Washington/Vestry block, where we know Related Companies is planning a new building along the western (riverfront side). “I woke up to green wooden fencing starting to be erected. They are covering the entire area except the building at 430 Washington.” That’s Corice Arman’s building; she has refused to sell. The fact that fencing is going up on Washington makes me think that Ponte Equities is planning on a building that’ll take up the eastern half o the block, wrapping around Corice Arman’s 430 Washington.
••• Summer is coming…. A sailboat has moored off Pier 25. Thanks to ARC Athletics for the pic.
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The sailboat in the photo is Bettina – a 30′ O’day owned by Sailors NYC :-)