In the News: New Amsterdam Market Likely to Be Revived Elsewhere

courtesy New Amsterdam Market••• “It seems likely now that the New Amsterdam Market will survive in some form, but probably not in the South Street Seaport, said Roland Lewis, chairman of its board of directors.” —Downtown Post NYC

••• “Very not-private private terrace in Tribeca loft is surprisingly valuable.” Do look at the photo. —Manhattan Loft Guy

••• There was a listening party for Karen O.’s forthcoming solo album at a Tribeca apartment. —Brooklyn Magazine (which is funded by Jameson? I need to get in touch with someone from Boodles, stat.)

••• “Website maker [Squarespace] signs on for 100,000 square feet of space that is being vacated by Merrill, the last printing company in a West side district that was once full of them.” At 225 Varick in Hudson Square. —Crain’s

••• A writer at the Onion the New York Post wrote a paean to Denny’s. And a couple actually ordered the PR stunt $300 breakfast.


1 Comment

  1. Robert LaValva isn’t getting his way so he’s taking his toys and going home. He could easily keep the home of the New Amsterdam Market at the Seaport if he wanted to. I have no doubt Howard Hughes will find another operator to bring a great food market to the area and its increasingly affluent neighborhood.
