New Kid on the Block: Vin des Amis

Vin des Amis facadeIs Canal Street’s moment finally coming? A wine store, Vin des Amis, has just opened between W. Broadway and Wooster, and it’s far and away the nicest store on the street, at least on this side of the Bowery and until the second Wyeth store opens.

“This is the best spot!” says owner Ivanete Oliveira when asked why she chose Canal Street. (Besides the fact that there’s no other wine store for blocks in any direction.) “You should come at night. It’s amazing!”

Vin des Amis is her first store, but she’s not new to wine. She used to import wine from Europe to Brazil. “I’ve been planning this store a long time,” she says. “That’s why there’s such a good collection. I’ve been saving things I loved.” The emphasis is on Europe—and France, in particular—but by next week you should start seeing some wines from the U.S., Chile, and Argentina.

Vin des Amis is at 375-B Canal St. (between W. Broadway and Wooster), 646-918-6141;

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