Seen & Heard: New Tenant for 124 Hudson

••• Warburg Realty is moving its Tribeca office from 100 Hudson (at Leonard) a few blocks north to 124 Hudson, where Pompanoosuc Mills most recently was.

124 Hudson••• Demolition appears to have begun in earnest at 351, 353, and 355 Broadway, where Toll Brothers plans a 19-story condominium (to be called 91 Leonard, where the entrance will be).

351 353 and 353 Broadway••• I accidentally deleted the email from someone interested in that artists’ loft for sale that I posted about the other day. If you emailed me and I didn’t reply that I had forwarded your info, please email me again at

••• I have agreed to be a judge for the Friends of Washington Market Park’s first-ever pumpkin-carving contest—which is this Saturday—because I am highly judgmental. But this will only be satisfying for me if I get to declare many pumpkins as losers. So get those knives out, folks.

••• Remember that Nosy Neighbor post about 60 Vestry’s cornice? The Department of Buildings sent an inspector, and this is the report. Not sure what the part about step cracks means but apparently no permit was required for the removal of the cornice

60 Vestry••• These signs at (the former?) office of Argo International are the absolute best. We need more handmade signs around here!

Argo International signs1 Argo International signs2



  1. FYI “Step cracks” are cracks that run up a brick wall in a stair step fashion within the mortar joint only, i.e., none of the bricks themselves are cracked.

  2. Yet another Broadway development without a Broadway address? And in the middle of the block no less! I love these aversions to the most famous street in Manhattan as these buildings pop up around Franklin and Leonard! Probably more, but by my count we have two with Leonard Street addresses and one w/Franklin Place. After 32 years on Broadway, I embrace my humble address, but will admit that the developer 32 years ago did call it “Broadway Court.”
