In the News: Timeline for the Food Emporium Replacement

Royal Carribean cruise ship uturn••• “Last night around 7:30 p.m.” emailed J., “a huge Royal Caribbean cruise ship—I believe it was the Anthem of the Seas (one of those with the observation pod atop an extending hydraulic arm on the top of the ship)—did a 180-degree turn at the end of Pier 26! I have never seen this happen before. And it looked like a pretty challenging maneuver in view of the immense size of the vessel.” (“Blowing it’s horn for 10 minutes,” added the reader who sent in the photo above.) A presumably different ship did the same thing last weekend….

••• An update on Best Yet Market’s plans for the Food Emporium space: “If the sale is approved, it is uncertain when the new store will open, Best Yet’s vice president and general counsel, Or Raitses, told the Tribeca Trib in a telephone interview. ‘It could be a month and a half, it could be three months.'”

••• “At the November 2 meeting of the Battery Park City Committee of Community Board 1, Martha Gallo (the only member of the Authority’s board who lives in Battery Park City), said, […] “We’re going to start quarterly community meetings with the Authority and the community. The first one is scheduled for December 16 at 5 p.m.,” at Six River Terrace (a community space operated by the Battery Park City Parks Conservancy, directly north of the Irish Hunger Memorial).” —Broadsheet

••• The Wall Street Journal on Tha Family Entertainers, the dancers on the east side of City Hall Park.

••• “A Brazilian caterer has been looking for years for a spot for its first permanent restaurant. It finally found one on Front Street’s Restaurant Row, between Beekman and Peck Slip. Café Patoro will be open soon!” —FiDi Fan Page

Cafe Patoro sandwich



  1. It looks like another parking lot is about to bite the dust. The lot at the corner of Broadway and Lispenard Street has drilling equipment testing the ground and there are paint markers on the asphalt that look like possible drill sites. I think this testing to find the quality of the earth underneath and that will determine the height they can build.

  2. “We’re going to start quarterly community meetings with the Authority and the community.” Of course they are now that Squadron and others are moving ahead with plans to decommission them and has the support to probably get it done.

  3. What happens if they decommission the Battery Park Authority?

  4. Actually they are not going to decommission. Squadron wants to have it taken over by the City instead of the State having control. He wants it to be run more like a Community Board with more community members holding positions on the Board.

    • Would be nice
      The BPCA as it’s constructed does whatever it wants in spite of the communities please …
      if you have envelopes filled with cash , pay for play gets you anything

      • The BPCA board had a great thing going. If they just solicited some community input every now and they, they could have kept their gravy train running indefinitely. Instead, they got greedy and hopefully now will get entire rehauled.

  5. typing too fast.. meant to say “… input every now and then..” and “… will get entirely rehauled”
