In the News: Chelsea Clinton to Host SoulCycle Fundraiser

tweet on Chelsea Clinton soulcycleChelsea Clinton tweet 2••• “Chelsea Clinton to headline fundraiser at SoulCycle in Tribeca” on Jan. 27, and Twitter is very upset. But how is this different from, say, George P. Bush hosting a fundraiser for his father at a country club? (Also, isn’t SoulCycle Tribeca Bush Daughter territory?) —Politico

••• “Renewed Calls for ‘Unfettered Access’ to Lower Manhattan’s Only Beach,” on the East River by the Brooklyn Bridge. —Tribeca Trib

••• Video of Christmas trees discarded on the street. —Tribeca Trib

••• “This evening the Battery Park City Committee of Community Board 1 is slated to discuss a possible resolution calling upon Governor Andrew Cuomo to replace members of the Battery Park City Authority board of directors who do not live in the community, and appoint Battery Park City residents in their place.” —Broadsheet

••• Forgotten NY recounts the history of the Pier 23 frieze that’s on the Independence Plaza North pedestrian overpass above Harrison.

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  1. It’s different from the standpoint that the fundraiser George P Bush held for his father at a country club did not impact the citizens of Tribeca. And as far as I know “Soul Cycle Tribeca Bush Daughter” has not forced street closures inconveniencing those that have to walk through that area after picking up their children after school. Politicians do what is good for them and not the citizens they supposedly represent.

  2. Clearly just a publicity stunt ahead of Soul Cycles ridiculous IPO. The greatest short of all time…..

  3. all the controversy/her parents…everyone with an opinion…
    *I* protest because I had the displeasure of sitting at a table with Chelsea’s husband, who was a total King D-Bag…

    • @andy I too had the (dis)pleasure of sitting at a table with son-in-law Mark at a charity event and he is quite the d-bag! He woke up on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple…..a real putz!
