In the News: Carbon Monoxide Forces Jay Street Evacuations

••• “High carbon monoxide levels from an electrical manhole fire in Tribeca on Sunday caused the temporary evacuation of several buildings on Jay Street between Staple and Greenwich streets.” —Tribeca Trib

••• More info on yesterday’s car crash on West Street: “Police said they weren’t chasing the cab when it crashed, but a witness walking two blocks south of the accident said otherwise. ‘I first saw the cab, and then the cop car whizzed right by me,’ said Doreen Caban, 52, who at the time was trying to cross West Street at Murray Street. ‘The cab was getting chased by the cop car,’ she said, adding the cop car had its lights and sirens on.” —New York Post

••• “Community Board 1 is seeking to organize opposition, both in Lower Manhattan and citywide, to a Department of Education policy that combines gyms and auditoriums into a single space, known as a ‘gymnatorium.’ The DOE has adopted this policy in recent years as a way to save on both cost and space when building new schools.” —Broadsheet

••• New York magazine reviews Café Altro Paradiso (and Nix on University Place, which is indeed good).

••• Megu is opening at the Dream Downtown hotel at W. 16th St. and Ninth Ave. —New York Post

••• FiDi Fan Page says that Blue Ribbon Brasserie is opening at 84 William, where Wylie Dufresne’s restaurant was going to be before it got abandoned.


1 Comment

  1. I am not an expert in police procedure, but, having a car chase in the middle of Manhattan does not seem the best way to approach a stolen cab. Where they ended up is heavy pedestrian traffic with many children involved. Cabs have GPS, let him take the stupid cab, follow via helicopter or GPS, if you start a chase with sirens and drama the only result is a panicked driver. how much is a life worth against the value of a car???? Where coud the guy go anyways? he was bound to be stuck in traffic sooner or later.
