Instagram Tribeca (Vol. 22)

In a departure from most of the usual Instagram Tribeca roundups, these were all taken by yours truly. So follow Tribeca Citizen on Instagram! It’s 85% Tribeca, 10% other places, and 5% my dog. If you think you’re not an Instagram person, because you don’t like Facebook or Twitter, you might give it a try. It’s less annoying, and posting a photo just feels easier and less loaded than posting text.

instagram TC WTC Oculusinstagram TC sunset Hudsoninstagram TC Warren St cherry petals instagram TC walker streetinstagram TC city hall park magnoliainstagram TC Cortlandt Alley doorsinstagram TC salt shedinstagram TC gingko leaf in City Hall Parkinstagram TC Municipal Buildinginstagram TC 1WTC copyinstagram TC Broadway staircaseinstagram TC butterfly on Broadwayinstagram TC Greene St trompe loeilinstagram TC city hall park aliuminstagram TC 32 Sixth Aveinstagram TC Tribeca Greenmarketinstagram Howard scrunched



  1. WOW-all are gorgeous!

  2. nice – thanks for sharing!

  3. The Howard coda is epic.

  4. Love the varied textures—.and the hard/soft juxtaposition of things which makes these shots so compelling. Thanks for sharing.
