Seen & Heard: First Look at 24 Leonard

••• “Not sure if this is newsworthy,” reports M. “but someone put this sticker on my jacket at some point between the Odeon and the Whole Foods. I found it creepy and invasive that someone is going around softly putting stickers on people!” Indeed, it doesn’t seem like the best way to change someone’s mind. And in M’s case, it wasn’t even appropriate: “Joke is on them because my jacket is faux fur.”

••• Some of the draping over the new building at 24 Leonard has been taken down. UPDATE: I went back today and there’s more on view.

••• Monk McGinn’s pub on Murray would seem to be opening soon.

••• Korchma Taras Bulba, the Ukranian restaurant on W. Broadway in Soho, has closed. (Once you saw the servers dressed in traditional costumes standing out on the street, you could never unsee it.) Something called Udacha has applied for a liquor license; “udacha” means luck in Russian.••• The 59-story building at 25 Park Row is a few stories above ground; rendering below. (To the left is 1 Beekman, which will be 25 stories.)



  1. I was looking at an apartment at 5 Beekman recently near the 40th floor and the broker was quick to point out that 1 Beekman would top out at 25 floors and not threaten the view. It seemed odd at the time that he didn’t recall how tall 25 Park Row would be…now his amnesia makes sense…slimy.

  2. I am shocked by the number of supposedly liberal (especially women) wearing fur (Canada Goose!). Do you not understand the torture that is behind your silly collar. The animals die a slow and painful death in a steel jaw trap, some skinned while still alive. Many try chew their own foot off in an attempt to escape. Is it really worth that to have an accessory on your down jacket? So bougey!
