This may be one of the only things you can do in this shelter-in-place era: walk around by yourself and look for random artifacts on the streets of the neighborhood. So here we are. Where is this thing, practically in Tribeca?
I knew Tribeca Lover would get it eventually! She/he has trod over this spot a few times is my guess. At the fields…
Good guess because of the hexpavers, but no…
capsouto park
No, but I like that guess too. Here’s a hint: it’s mentioned in a post that got a lot of comments.
Well based on that clue, its either outside Whole Foods, Blood Manor, or the proposed theater in Fidi. I would look myself, but I prefer a scale of 100 feet when I social distance away from people.
Erik would have never let this just sit…..even during a pandemic.
Let what sit?
Rockefeller Park?
Very close…
BPC baseball field where the water fountain is in front of gym?
Sorry! Was a little busy…
But yes! The fields — and yes by the northern water fountain.
Teardrop Park
Lastly Tribeca Dog Park? There are a few of these Murdock water fountain plate.
Will we get a response to the above? Tribeca Lover
We’re waiting for you to name every potential spot in Tribeca first.
Good one. ;)