The Year in Crime

Since James added the Post story about the crime increase in the West Village this past year, I figured it was time to finally take a look at the year’s crime stats for the 1st Precinct.

The short answer: crime here is up in every category in the year to date EXCEPT murder, and most notably grand larceny and burglary; using the total of all the major offenses, crime is up 65 percent. Citywide, crime is up 36 percent. You can peruse the Compstat reports yourself here, or the 1st Precinct’s homepage here, by clicking on the reports.


I wanted some comparison, so I checked out the Compstat report for the two precincts I covered when I had papers in the South Bronx. The 41st (Hunts Point) had a total of 956 major crimes, and an increase of 48 percent. The 40th (Mott Haven) had a total of 1733 crimes and an increase of 35 percent. The numbers are of course distributed differently: our grand larceny, which reflects the value of the goods stolen, is way up, while the 41st saw the biggest increases in robbery and burglary. And grand larceny auto numbers for them are always high, thanks to the proximity to major highways.

A few notes:

  • The 1st includes Tribeca, BPC, Fidi, and everything west of Broadway up to Houston. It does not include Chinatown or Little Italy.
  • Robbery is taking something through force or fear; burglary is breaking in with intent to commit a theft.
  • Grand larceny in NY is when the value of the goods stolen is more than $1000.
  • Felony assault either involves serious injury or a weapon.



  1. Well its in line with what we are all experiencing… this week alone Wednesday was at the Duane&Reade and a security guard had to tell someone to return the beer bottle she had hidden on her bag, and only after he told her they were calling the cops did she comply and leave. The next day walking by Target they were arresting someone for stealing, the perp was cursing at the target employee for calling the cops and he was resisting arrest.

    I for one am A OK with stores calling the cops for this.. enough is enough… we need some law and order back in this city, or at least in our neighborhood.

    • It seems like every time I’m in Target I see someone with an extra large backpack or duffle loading it up with goods like energy drinks or cosmetics, obviously to steal and resell.

  2. Depressing…

    Is there a graph/stats showing these changes over multiple years? I only see the comparisons to last year. Would be interesting to compare to the pandemic years, and years or decades before that.

  3. It’s a shame that anyone you see getting arrested will be back out on the streets the same afternoon.

  4. We need a chart of weekly complaints by Democrat voters about rising chrome.

  5. I think the murder rate reduction is 100%, not 200%.

  6. Wall Street Duane Reede I saw a guy with a basket loading it up and walked right out WITH the loaded basket!, past the security guard. I asked the security guard why did you just stand there? He answered ‘ we can’t touch them ‘ So now, the company being robbed from is concerned it will be sued by the perpetrator robbing them?!

  7. With the miracle of compound interest it will be back to the 1970s in no time. Let us not forget that DA Alvin Bragg was elected with 84% of the vote. If Manhattanites don’t like being the victims of violent crime they have only themselves to blame.
