Immersive art attraction opening next to Century 21

The work that has been going on in the bank building that used to be part of Century 21 — the address is 21 Dey, but the building stretches from Dey to Cortlandt along Church across from the Oculus — is going to be an immersive attraction called the Mercer Labs Museum of Art and Technology. The tentative opening date is some time in November, according to the applicant who presented to CB1 in September.

(The CB1 Licensing Committee sent them away in September because they did not have a traffic plan for their events, especially the 50 buyouts they have planned each year. I am assuming they will be back this month.)

I cannot find any digital footprint for this! But the applicant — Legends Hospitality — explained that it is the project of Israeli artist Roy Nachum who works with big performers like Kanye West and Ariana Grande and whose work celebrates the intersection of art and technology. (A commenter noted that Nachum had a show recently at Cristina Grajales gallery.) Nachum lives here in the city, attended Cooper Union and was nominated for a Grammy for best recording packaging for the art and art direction of Rihanna’s acclaimed album Anti.

The space is 12,000 square feet and the capacity is 1000 people. There will be a small food area for 32, but they are hoping to license the whole place for beer and wine. Hours will be 10a to 10p.

This adds to the other permanent immersive attraction — Hall des Lumières on Chambers east of Broadway, which opened last fall.



  1. Probably Roy Nachum. Cristina Grajales gallery on Greenwich/Vestry had an exhibition of his work a few months ago. Cool stuff.

  2. Sounds intriguing. What a beautiful, impressive entrance and gate! Any photos of the interior from the past?

    • When it was Century’s menswear? No, I don’t have any shots. I do remember the mezzanine circling the whole space…

      • Ah, thank you. I didn’t realize that was the former menswear area. That was the two-level room with the wrap-around balcony and large stairway. That was a beautiful space…with lots of good finds for clothes.

  3. Immersive art is a surprising use forthis space. But it’s so much better than the sad, empty storefronts on Broadway from around Reade Street heading downtown.
