Now Open to Pre-K Members: Rocket Club Math Tribeca

Rocket Club Math Tribeca, the fun math program for elementary and middle school kids on Warren Street, is expanding to add a pre-K program for kids ages 4 to 5. The after-school and weekend pre-K classes already have students enrolled from Washington Market School, Avenues, Liberty Kids, The École, Kindercare FiDi, and City & Country.

Rocket Club is excited to bring the program to a younger demographic!

“Children at that age have so few limiting beliefs – they haven’t decided whether they like or dislike math, or if they’re good or bad at math,” said Kristen Pszonak, Director of Rocket Club Math Tribeca. “The world of math is completely open to them!”

Kristen’s process starts with a one-on-one diagnostic with each child. She then builds a custom curriculum for the student, often including the student’s interests, such as sports, dance, animals, or dinosaurs. Rocket Club Math students then come once a week for a two-hour session structured for individual learning paces in a supportive environment.

“We focus on making math fun and engaging,” Kristen says. “When students want to come back week after week, their math skills will grow effortlessly. Our two-hour sessions are designed with this in mind. It’s not just about the duration; it’s about the quality of engagement, and that’s where our program truly shines.”

A key feature of the program is ‘rocket fuel’, a reward system that members earn through competing in math games, and passing certifications at the end of each month. Members can exchange rocket fuel for prizes, fostering a healthy competitive spirit and rewarding hard work.

“My son has been loving Rocket Club Math this year – candidly, I am shocked that he willingly goes to two hours of additional math enrichment every week without complaint. Kudos to you and your team for cracking this formula.” – Brian, Rocket Club Math Parent

Every month, members have a goal they are working to accomplish. This could be counting to 50 for the youngest members or analyzing the market capitalization of a public company for the oldest members. At the end of every month, members take a Certification Assessment and, if they pass, they continue to the next level in their math journey. When members achieve 24 Certifications, they earn a place in the Rocket Club Hall of Fame, a feat reached by 250 members so far.

To learn more visit Rocket Club Math Tribeca

Sponsored by Rocket Club Math Tribeca


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