Art in Tribeca: Christopher Wool at 101 Greenwich

The artist Christopher Wool has a show up at 101 Greenwich — the entrance is on Rector — and it is so worth a stroll down. Titled “See Stop Run,” it is up until July 31, but only open Thursday through Sunday.

Wool has had solo shows at galleries all over the world and at the Guggenheim, LACMA and the Art Institute of Chicago. He is represented by Luhring Augustine here in Tribeca. But for this show, one of the gallerists told me, he wanted to be out of any kind of art district. The team looked at dozens of spaces in empty commercial spaces in Midtown, the flower district and Downtown, settling on this — the entire 19th floor of and office building.

The space has been gutted, but with some relics left behind: old mosaic tile on the floor, spray painted instructions from one contractor to the next. It almost looks like the art was made in reaction to the space, but it was all a happy accident. “We were not looking for pink walls, they came to us,” the gallerist said. “It was all serendipitous. Everything was created before we found the space.”

There are prints; photographs; massive, unframed paintings that as a result look like murals; sculptures; stabiles; mosaics. There are no labels, which we loved. “I am so words over images that I have to stop myself from reading, and I know that’s not how you should experience art, so this is great,” my pal noted.

Some fun details: The mosaic was created for Wool’s house in Marfa, but it didn’t fit so it’s here. Wool works with an Italian mosaicist, Stephan Miotto, who completed the piece in an upstate studio. The wire sculptures are 3D printed enlargements, which are then cast in bronze and plated in copper. Each piece just seems to fit. Oh and another bonus: some great Fidi views out of every window.

See Stop Run
Through July 31
Thursday – Sunday, noon to 6p
101 Greenwich | 19th Floor
Free and open to the public.
Limited to 75 persons at a time

