Fountain is flowing at Capsouto Park

T. was great to send a picture this morning of the fountain at Capsouto Park, which the Parks Department fixed this week after years of, well, dryness.

The 114-foot-long fountain was designed by Soho artist Elyn Zimmerman. The water spills from an 8-foot tower into a series of stepped “locks” evoking the canal that once flowed along the Canal Street.

Neighbors are also getting more involved in the park’s maintenance. If you want to chip in, or even just discuss ideas, you can reach Steve at at 646-610-9986 or (He organized a park cleanup recently and will do more if there’s interest.)

The park was named after longtime Tribecan and neighborhood booster Albert Capsouto in 2010.



  1. So So happy to see this finally working!

  2. I love this little park. So glad to hear this. I can’t wait to stop by and see the results.

  3. Pam, maybe you could write a story about the three Capsouto brothers, Jacques, Sammy and Albert, and their mother Eva. There’s never been a more fascinating family, and they were some of the earliest Tribecans.
    One anecdote about Albert:
    One day when we were walking down Varick Street, Albert told me how he got into Yale. At his interview, he was asked: “You were born in France but have lived mostly in the U.S. What language do you dream in?” Without missing a beat, Albert replied, “English, with French subtitles.” The interviewer said, “You’re in.”

  4. Jane- a terrific idea! most of the newer residents of our town don’t know about the Capsouto Freres and Mama.
    the entire family story( including some unhappy endings) is a story in search of an author or a screenplay in search of a writer.
    i knew the brothers even before they settled here.

  5. Can you please tell us exactly where this little park is.
