Domino’s on Church has closed permanently

S. wrote to say that Domino’s Pizza on Church between Reade and Duane has closed permanently. When I called to check, they said their new location is 45 Catherine Street, in Two Bridges. (In the shot above from 2016, the space was being renovated.)

I have to admit: I had no idea there even *was* a Domino’s on Church! (I also never knew it was a possessive domino, and not a plural, for all you fans of grammar.) I mean, who orders Domino’s in New York City, the land of the slice shop? But to answer my own question: clearly a lot of folks. It looks like there are more than 40 locations in the city.

And if you can’t live without it, in addition to the one in Two Bridges, there’s another on Stanton Street, just south of Houston.

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  1. Good. Domino’s does not belong in NYC.

    • You clearly have never experienced a thin crust pizza from them. This is a loss…

      • And you clearly haven’t the slightest inkling of the rich culinary history of New York City. But hey, if you want to treat your tastebuds like urinal pucks, be my guest.

  2. I can’t imagine anyone mourning this loss other than their landlord.

  3. Who orders Domino’s?

    Not everybody who lives or works near Tribeca can afford a $75 pie made with gluten-free crust, hydroponic heirloom tomato sauce, organic free-range goat cheese and locally-sourced pepperoni from grass-fed pigs raised listening to Mozart.

    Four people can each kick in five bucks, share an extra large Domino’s pie with a topping and get back some change.

  4. We’ve lost so many decent pizzerias over the past decade in Tribeca. Some really good ones too. It’s becoming a pizza desert right now but when even the corporate cardboard crust monstrosities abandon ship we are looking at extinction.

  5. It’s a loss. Lots of people can afford Domino’s and there aren’t many places here selling cheap slices.

  6. I used to eat domino’s every night in college. For tribeca area, best pizza is Lucia Soho – great pizza and by the slice.

  7. Any recommendations on best places to get vegan pizza in the area?

  8. It is sad that yet another long term tribeca business has closed. Foot traffic downtown no longer supports businesses in a predictable and sustainable manner. It’s sad that the food choices for an affordable weekday lunch are few and far between.
